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1:1 Session for a Nervous System Reset


This is a single session to explore your unique Ayurvedic constitution and create a plan for your personal Nervous System Reset.

A nervous system reset is 5-7 days (or longer if you wish!)  that you commit to simplifying, grounding and nourishing practices to calm Vata and tone your nervous system. Some elements of a nervous system reset are:


  • Consistency:  Creating a sustainable daily rhythm with practices that you enjoy to create a container for Vata Dosha
  • Digital Detox:  Intentional time away from screens, especially social media and news.
  • Simple Diet:  This will mean different things for different people.  I will not give meal plans, but can make suggestions based on your Ayurvedic Constitution and your preferences.
Listen to The Nourished Nervous System podcast: Episode 66- Nervous System Reset for Vata Season

The Details:

  • When you schedule your 75 minute session, I will send an Ayurvedic Intake (as a Google Form) for you to fill out before the session.

  • During our session we will go over your intake and discuss your constitution and imbalances and discover the aspects of the reset that feel the most important to you.

  • I may give specific suggestions based on your constitution or some education to help you gain clarity about your constitution.

  • In a coaching-style format we will create an outline for your personal reset based on your preferences and desired outcomes.  * I want to note here, that this is a collaborative process, I won't be telling you what to do, but we will create it together so that it is truly sustainable for you!

  • The price for this special session is $85

    If the times available don't work for you, email me: kristen@nourishednervoussystem I often can make time on weekends!

A Nervous System Reset may be right for you if:

  • You struggle with seasonal transitions.
  • You are feeling burnt out, spacy, or busy in your brain.
  • Your nervous system feels frayed or frazzled.
  • You are interested in learning more about the Ayurvedic approach to the nervous system.
  • You have recently been having trouble sleeping (especially between 2am-6am)
  • You notice in the fall your digestion gets off, you feel more bloated, gassy or constipated.