The Nourished Nervous System Podcast

Episode 9 - Food as Medicine with Terrel Broussard

Hosted by Kristen Timchak          

Show Notes

You've probably heard the saying "you are what you eat",  in Ayurvedic thought we are literally what we eat.  Tissues are made from the food we eat, which is why there is an emphasis on eating high quality foods.  But what if you take it a step farther and incorporate your herbal and mushroom medicines into your diet?

In this week's episode Terrel Broussard, an  Ayurvedic practitioner and bodyworker with 25 years experience in the field of Therapeutic Massage, Thai Massage, Yoga and Herbal Medicine talks about his philosophy on incorporating medicinal foods into the diet.  

Terrel and his wife, Kimberly, own a small Ayurvedic Retreat Center in the Berkshires called Lakshmi's Garden which focuses on Pancha Karma retreats.  

In this week's episode, Terrel talks about:

  • His personal self care practices
  • His path to Ayurveda
  • The Ayurvedic practice of listening for "the burp"
  • Why he incorporates Milk Thistle and Lion's Mane into his daily routine
  • The idea of structuring your energetic day in a bell curve
  • His go to herbs and his favorite formulas
  • The power of observing yourself and your surroundings to live a more balanced life

You can find Terrel's products and information about his retreat center, Lakshmi's Garden here:

Find him on Instagram @lakshmisgarden

If you'd like to read an interview with Terrel in The Artful Mind artzine click here :

Interested in more Ayurveda?  Listen to these episodes:

The Lens of Ayurveda
What the Vata?!
Oh Pitta, You're Hot!

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and @nourishednervoussytem on Instagram

Find my Deep Rest Meditation here: